1. calling you by blue october (i CANNOT get enough of this song!!)
2. the twilight series by stephanie myer (so, i really didn't want to jump on the 'lds women who read and talk about these books like it's the only thing they've ever read' bandwagon - BUT, alas, i have. i love, love, no more than that...adore, these books!!)
3. the beads my sister brought me from china (see the pic below)
4. snow
5. warm and cuddly dogs
6. playing the Wii - A LOT!
7. diet coke (can't shake it, despite many vain efforts!)
8. listening to my ipod through my radio connection in the car
9. panteen restoratives shampoo and conditioner (they've done wonders to my poor, tortured, styled-to-death hair)
10. my new planner and making mini-collages in it.
11. art journaling
12. it's always sunny in philadelphia (thank you nichole for getting me hooked onto this hilarious, albeit a bit edgy, show. i can always count on you nic!!)
13. dreaming of paint and new decor for our new house
14. photography
15. my adorably quirky family!!!!!!
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