Thursday, January 25, 2007

take a stroll with me...

down memory lane (the shock value of some of these pics is warned!)

picture 1: i'm happy to report that my sister's eyes did get back to normal. in fact she is quite attractive now! i think it was the effect of the man-eating green carpet.

picture 2: so i think the reason i have this creepy little smile on my face is i was getting ready to goose that cute boy with the rad hair!
picture 3: thankfully my legs weren't split in two by my pulling my shorts up to my neck. and yes, i am officially out of my "orphan annie" hair stage. whew. we can all sleep a little easier!
picture 4: i've always had a flair for the dramatic. this was the first play i was in in high school...sophomore year. i played a silent film actress with an obnoxious voice. fun.
picture 5: ah yes. i've saved the best for last. this is me and my date off to the Christmas dance. dude, i had the freakin' hugest crush on that guy. david lee. i was a sophomore, he was a senior. don't judge me too harshly on the hair, or dress for that matter. it was 1988...need i say more?

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