so i've had quite a lot on my mind these days. a. lot.
i am officially 16 weeks pregnant with our fourth child.
i am turning 36 on saturday.
i sleep a lot.
i have many fears.
i have many great expectations and dreams.
i (not so secretly) wish for a baby girl.
i often feel alone, sometimes self-inflicted loneliness, but loneliness nonetheless.
i'm not quite sure what to do with myself.
i have prayed a lot lately. prayed for strength, patience and comfort.
i have been doing some soul-searching. (maybe that's normal when you are pregnant)
i want and try hard to cherish this quieter time before the baby.
i feel fat.
oh, and not so cute.
is that normal too??
i feel very thankful and blessed that we have been taken care of in spite of stephans lack of employment.
i really do not enjoy the heat, and feel annoyed with the dragging on of summer.
did i mention i have very little patience these days?
i feel the need to justify my daily naps. why, i'm not sure. i'm a better me when i take them!
i say yes to almost everything. not so good for a tired, pregnant mamma.
i have a reaalllly hard time asking for help - in any form.
i love my diet pepsi's. mmmm...
i cannot go to the grocery store without purchasing at least 2 impulse "craving-type" items. (one of those is usually a nice fat loaf of french bread, which i consume a good chunk of on the way home).
i feel disappointed in myself when i don't say what i want, or take a stand for myself. i know better.
i worry. a lot.
i over think almost everything.
i miss california and the beach.
and my mom and sister who are in california.
at the moment i have some serious heartburn.
okay. i think i've purged most of my random thoughts. sigh. i feel better now! writing is good.