Wednesday, May 30, 2007

moments like these....

melt my heart! it's these tender moments that just don't last nearly long enough. before you know it they are too big to be carried, and too busy to wrap their little hands around your neck for a sweet embrace. but we try to treasure each stolen moment as they come!

i am back into a scrapbooking groove...still working on my "us" album. a mini album (which is turning out to be not so mini) on stephan and i. how we met, our relationship, etc. i don't know that i'll post all of it when i'm done (40 pages is quite a lot!!) but i will post some.
happy weds. to you!

Monday, May 28, 2007

proof positive:

A) of my flying nun good kharma doll (see previous post)

B) that all it takes to make a three year old boy happy are yellow rubber rain boots and a pony. (but really just those rubber boots...we can't get 'em off him!!)

C) that sock monkeys and the pillsbury dough boy CAN, in fact, peacefully co-exist! whew! i was losing sleep over that one!!

D) that patriotism is not only still alive and well, but THRIVING in our country!!!

E) that you can find everything AND the bathroom sink...if you look hard enough at yard sales!

F) that i have not lost my creative's just shape-shifted into jewelry making lately!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

a flying nun on the way to Wicked

yes, you read that right. on the way to see Wicked, the musical, last night in Denver i saw, in my path, a tiny little nun. a toy nun, to be more precise. no bigger than my finger tip. hmmm....i saw it as good karma. so i scooped her up, dusted her off, put her in my pocket and made my way to the theatre. Wicked, by the way, was absolutely phenominal!!!! oh my goodness!!! if you haven't seen it, or don't go to many broadway shows, you really should consider it. loved it!!!!! and i went with a really fun bunch of gals. it was the first girls night out i've had in quite a while. i had such a blast just laughing and being in the company of some funny chicks! then of course the show was the perfect cap off to a great evening. my hubby stayed home with the kiddos and urged me to do this last minute escapade. i am oh so glad i did! :)
(so i know i promised a pic. the next time i posted. okay, i lied. no pic. in this post. but come on, it was worth the read anyway, no?) :) :) next time, picture..really...i promise!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

noahism #5003

so i always feel like i have to have a picture to post an entry in my blog. it's silly, but true. then i realized that one of the reasons i have this blog is to chronicle my life. kind of like another form of a journal. so when i scrapbook stuff i can go through my archives and see what happened on a particular month. ANYWAY.....last night while on the phone with my mom, noah was telling her all about teddy (our dog). how did he refer to him? "the long animal"...said with his hand outstretched as if to display the long animal. like a museum exhibit. then of course he held the phone out and said, "see? see him??". we've explained about a thousand times that people on the phone can't see, they can just hear you, but it does no good. maybe he knows something we don't. it cracked us up to no end!! that kid has a million of 'em!
enjoy your tuesday! (pictures on the next post, i promise....hee hee)

Friday, May 18, 2007

happiness is....

cold sheets
snowy days
a good book
date nights (though they are few and far between these days!!)
good music
a letter in the mail
my husbands eyes
my kids laughing
road trips
the beach
my shows (arrested development & CSI)
getting my back scratched
....but most of all watching my children grow, love, appreciate, learn, and THRIVE!!!! i am one blessed woman! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

some new favies...

on mothers day we went to colorado springs to be with my mother-in-law and fam. after a lovely mothers day brunch we decided to take a spontaneous drive to cripple creek. why cripple creek? the only thing there is gambling you say?? pah. it's a gorgeous little town nestled in the mountains. kind of like an old west town. well, it IS an old west town. and for this photographer that translates into photo op. i got some great snaps of the kids and old buildings and such. i was in heaven! except it was a little cold. the price you pay i guess!

there is a bmx park in cripple creek. while we were there a couple of dudes were riding. they were actually really good too. the boys thought it was really cool.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


on saturday, national scrapbooking day, i was asked to participate in a special user inspiration gallery for 2peas in a favorite website!!! it was an incredible honor, and what made it even more special was that one of my favorite garden girls, maria grace, was the one who invited me to join in on the fun! i had to keep it hush hush until it was revealed saturday. she wrote some really cool things about me along with this layout that i produced for the occasion. i don't think that gallery is up on the site anymore, but it will be an experience i'll never forget!!! here is the layout they featured:

and the card i made for my mother in law. just thought i'd share that:

Sunday, May 06, 2007

project complete!

look what i spent all day friday doing...

it is DONE!! i am so totally proud of myself because i've never made a quilt before. it's not perfect, and i certainly didn't measure very much. it's...shall we say..rustic, country chic. and i even embroidered my name and date in the corner. but let me tell ya, tieing a quilt is NOT EASY!! sounds easy, yes. but it is difficult at best. i have the blood and scrapes to show for it.

and how do you like my "new" boots in action?? at a ranch, no less. i went out to my sister-in-law's ranch this weekend and took lots of cool photos. can i just tell you that it is truly heaven out there in the middle of nowhere! it is! so peaceful and wide open. just you, the prairie grass and the prospect of a rattler! (but we didn't see any)

a 100+ year old barn on the ranch...

and ben taking in the beauty and majesty of it all!

this was taken on our drive to colorado springs, on highway 83. so much beauty that we simply take for granted. pass by it, possibly daily, and never really appreciate it for what it is. i am so soaking in every ounce of gorgeousness around me - as much as i possibly can. every single day!
on that note, enjoy your week. truly and really, enjoy it! :)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

so much creating to be done...

i have been having dreams, yes dreams in the literal sense of the word, of making a quilt. i am no great seamstress, but i do okay. so on my weekly jaunt to hobby lobby i picked out a few fabrics to build my quilt around. it's going to be so much fun...i hope!! and cute too.

my "ali" kit arrived from creating keepsakes. i was lucky enough to get my hands on one before they sold out, and they sold out quick!! like in two days, quick! i'm so excited for this project too. i think i'm going to do either a month in the life, or a week in the life. just everyday life. that is what interests me most. :) i have already used the stamps. love 'em. i'm not a kit person usually, but i do love ali's stuff so i couldn't possibly resist it.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

tales of thrifting!

so have i ever mentioned what a HUGE thrifting geek i am???? i am! it's bad!! but the good thing is...i rotate my "stock". i'm constantly going through my closet/kitchen/cupboards/etc. and taking stuff to thrift shops. i should get some sort of commission or discount....somethin'!! anyhow, yesterday i made a dangerous stop at the local thrift shop. i say dangerous because i never get out of that place for less than 25 bucks. it doesn't sound like much, but remember, i am a scrap-a-holic too and i make frequent trips to hobby lobby and other such places. sigh. so the trip started out innocently enough...2 bucks in the cart, not too bad. okay, then a couple 3 dollar but then i spotted them. it was seriously like a golden light was shining on them from above. i swear i heard a choir of angels too, harps, the whole nine yards. those beautiful, perfectly worn cowboy boots!!! such a gorgeous neutral color that will go perfectly with jeans, skirts, etc. the price? a whopping 10 bucks! ouch. but still, no hesitation on my part. into the cart they went. of course. if they had a bit of pink on them i seriously would have considered a marriage ceremony. but, another thrift shop might hold those beauties for me! :) oh, then, right before i was going to check out i spotted the cutest vintage aprons. i have quite the thing for vintage aprons. adorablity at it's best!!!! i do wear them on occasion too. so this was my total haul:

from left to right: a black lace shirt, two skirts, a vintage slip, a vintage bingo game (i will use the pieces in my scrapping endeavors), a wicked-awesome avocado green metal box (again, scrapping supply use), cool graph paper (more scrap stuff), those kick-a$$ boots, they are sitting upon a vintage table cloth (which might become a quilt or something else, not sure yet), and those freakin' adorable aprons. ahh. good day indeed!

okay, then there's my obsession with cool necklaces. i make most of them. i wear all of them (and more...another drawer full in fact). it's kind of my thing. i just love the visual interest that accessorizing (sp?) gives someone. it makes me way too happy! i stumbed upon this site:
oh my gosh!!! i was so in heaven! totally want to be a road sista! it's my dream life...very much a dream, but still, it's my happy place :) i love everything about these girlies. the style just screams KIM!! visit the site, you'll get it!
happy wednesday to you :)