Sunday, February 07, 2010

be still my heart...

what makes waking up every hour for small stretches at a time worth it?.....

this tiny, sweet, soft, cuddly, amazing little boy.
that's what!

i am really trying to post my birth story, but sitting at the computer for a stretch of time, and being able to think/type is a total luxury these days. again, so worth it!


Ruth said...

He is so sweet and tiny. Beautiful pictures.

Olivia said...

he is gorgeous! congratulations! Let me know if you want me to watch noah anytime you want to catch up on your sleep or whatever. I'm sure my kids would love to have him over to play.

kim said...

It is so hard to get rested up. I so remember. It is all worth it though and hopefully he will start sleeing through the night before you know it. He is adorable! said...

I so miss being there and being able to hold Asthon. He is perfect and I can't wait to get to Denver.
Thanks for posting pictures. I know this must be a task with a little one needing your attention. I hope you are getting some rest in between Asthon's naps.
Love you all and see you in the first of March.

Joakasfabio said...

Que baby mais lindo esse! :)

Family Valois said...

So lovely and amazing. Love the hand shot!